Tuesday, April 5, 2016


            In C.P. Snow’s writing, he dates the beginning of this division to the industrial revolution when technology first rooted itself in everyone’s daily lives. The literary world and the scientific world are both influential spheres in our society. However, there remains a gap between literary and scientific artists because there is a constant stress on us to make a decision between the two. I agree with both Professor Vesna and C.P. Snow when they say that this divide is further emphasized in early education. At a young age we are told that eventually we must make a decision to either follow a literary path or a scientific path. This creates a strong distinction between the two, which only separates them even more. An Independent article describes the debate between the two as being “strong and passionate” (Bakewell).

../north_vs_south_campus_ucla_by_silverwing1310-d3ava6y.jpgI witness this division between the literary sphere and the scientific sphere of our society at UCLA. Our campus is physically divided into north and south campus. As a result, the idea that these two are completely separate is only further embedded into our minds.

../Unknown.pngI find this similar problem to be represented in politics as we see a huge divide between Democrats and Republicans. There is no middle route between the two and this consequently creates numerous issues for our society and according to the Washington Post, “the divide between the Democrats and Republicans has widened considerably over the last few decades” (Sullivan).


I personally believe that these issues can be solved by the gradual formation of a middle path between the two different sectors. This is also suggested by Vesna in her essay as she says that “artists are not only critical in helping to heal and bridge the painful communication gap” (Vesna 122). I feel that the two spheres can overlap in many different ways and use the knowledge of the separate practices to improve the other. By utilizing each others tools it can bring us closer towards developing a middle path between the two. This has started to be utilized by many artists as they incorporate technology into many of their works. In Brooks’ article, she presents artists who have engaged with the technology culture. For instance, artist, Petra Cortight, “uses digital and analog tools to create her paintings in order to explore issues of online consumptions” (Brooks). Art and science are also beginning to work simultaneously as artists begin to draw on technology. Some believe that this intersection “has to do with exposing art to a wider audience on the Internet” (Kozlowski). LA leads the way in uniting art and science and today, “the art-science maxim in some way infiltrates virtually every enlightened interaction of making and designing” (Nowlin).


Bakewell, Joan. "Science or Literature? Surely What We Need Is Both." The Independent.
Independent Digital News and Media, 22 May 2008. Web. 04 Apr. 2016

Brooks, Katherine. "7 Contemporary Artists Who Are Engaging With Tech Culture In New
Ways." Huffpost Arts and Culture. Huffpost, 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 2 Apr. 2016.

Kozlowski, Lori. "Art And Technology Get Closer in L.A." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 23 Jan.
2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "The Growing Divide between Republicans and
Democrats, in One Chart." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

Sullivan. "How Art, Science, and Technology Interact in Southern California." KCET. N.p., 20 Mar. 2015.

Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly! Nice to meet you!
    I also agree with you that Kandinsky is an interesting and talented artists. I love how he uses multiple shapes to portray his artwork. After this week, I have learned that there is a lot more to art design that meets the eye. Thanks for a great post!
