Friday, May 27, 2016

Week 9
This week’s lesson on space was definitely my favorite one that we have learned about so far this quarter. I really enjoyed all of the lectures because they fully captured the content of this course, which are art and science, and illustrated how space brings the two together, thus developing a third culture. I think space in itself is a culture of its own. It has been studied for hundreds of years and only continues to grow and expand with each new development that arises. In the first lecture, Professor Vesna discussed the history to space exploration and the origin of its roots. Understanding this background is essential to understanding the topic of space as a whole because each new theory has been developed upon the last ones.
The main connection to art that I made during these lectures on space was between science and science-fiction. In Lecture One, Professor Vesna discusses how science fiction has offered ideas that scientists have followed. For example, the idea of a space station was first described in science books in the 1920’s. This was then shortly followed by the creation of an actual space station. It is so interesting to learn how the fields of art and science have come together and helped further the other field along. This is truly an example of a third culture being developed and it is all due to the overall study of space, which has brought these things together.
I also thought it was so interesting to hear how nanotechnology has aided scientists in studying space. The molecules being detected in space are helping add to the discoveries. Learning this made me realize just how interconnected all of these topics are that we have been studying. This is again why I loved this week’s lecture because it brought all of them together to show that a third culture is already beginning to exist between art and science.

Works Cited
"A Brief History of Space Exploration." The Aerospace Corporation. The Aerospace Corporation,
n.d. Web. 27 May 2016.

Dunbar, Brian. "Telescope History." NASA. NASA, 23 Dec. 2003. Web. 27 May 2016.

Hamilton, Calvin J. "Space History Introduction." Space History Introduction. Solar Views, n.d.
Web. 27 May 2016.

"Nanotechnology in Space." Nanotechnology in Space. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2016.

"Nanotechnology in Space." Nanowerk. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2016.


  1. Hi Kelly! Great post this week. I agree completely that space could be a whole new culture of its own. I don't believe that scientists and astronauts will ever be done exploring and researching space. I also found it interesting to learn about nanotechnology and how that aids in space discoveries on a molecular level.

  2. Kelly this is a cool post about space and the art within it. I thought it is very cool that you mentioned the mystery of space exploration and their roots. I was wondering how nanotechnology specifically relates to space and the astronauts explorations?
